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Koir (Offline)
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08-29-2010, 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Could someone help me?

1. I’m about to cross the bridge.
2. I’m about to cross the river.

When you are going to another side of a river, and there is a bridge over the river, which would you say?
1 or 2?
I would say the first sentence. You're crossing a bridge, which carries the implied meaning that it is over a river or some other obstacle (or height). This obstacle or height would be impossible to cross if there wasn't a bridge across it.

My dictionary has both “cross a bridge” and “cross a river”. However, I think “what crossing a bridge” is a river under the bridge.
Don’t you say “go through a bridge”?

Thank you!
The dictionary is right if a river does not have a bridge across it. If a bridge has been built across the river, you generally use it instead.

I wouldn't say "go through a bridge" as it implies the person has the ability to pass through the bridge itself. "Go over a bridge" would be slightly better, as it implies travelling on the surface of the bridge.

Hope that is of some use, Yuri.

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