Originally Posted by mariko0721
Hello. Everybody
I would like to learn English using Manga.
but, my friends said it's kind of stupid because the translation is made from japanese, and not useful in America.
(Actually some English book which is written by japanese is not gengeral english,, some of them. )
So somebody, could you please let me know which Manga's translate is problem(fanny sometime) or Which one is No problem.
I need your help~~~
I'm sorry, but it's hard to understand your question, so I'll answer as best as I can. There are mangas created by English speakers and written in English, these are called OEL (Original English Language manga). This means that they weren't originally in Japanese, and aren't translations.
Original English-language manga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - there's a link to a few of them there, Labyrinth is supposed to be good, but I wouldn't recomend Megatokyo because it's use of language isn't going to help you (it makes use of made-up languages, and often switches to Japanese).