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08-30-2010, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by RKitagawa View Post
hmmm, ok. I see your point. Regarding your first point, I don't think those Japanese specific sayings occur frequently enough in manga to become a big issue here... Sure, there are plenty of phrases like that, and they are used quite a bit. But it is far outweighed by the rest of the "easier" to translate stuff. I still think you could pick up quite a few natural phrases from translated manga. But I guess it would be hard for her to figure out which ones are natural and which ones aren't. Depending on her current level.

As for your second point though. I really don't think that just because there isn't enough room, the translator is going to come up with a grammatically incorrect and incomplete sentence. I may be wrong here, but I'm sure they would make the bubble bigger or something.

Anyways, I understand where you're coming from. Thanks for explaining.
As for point 1, I think you get it. いただきます、ただいま、おかえり、起立、せんぱい、 etc. may not appear a lot...but they appear enough as to call translated manga English unnatural.

As for point 2, it just depends on what the Japanese publisher provides to the American publisher and how much time, effort and money the American publisher wants to spend on changing the word balloons. Not changing them happens a lot. Trust me. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney manga is a great example of this.
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