Originally Posted by evanny
well shows like CSI, The Shield and so on are fine....if you are complaining about some kind of "realism" in anything then it should be those god damn extreme makover, the bachelour and the rest of the 5 bilion shows...i can't express how much i hate those things. or people who watch them and get teary eyed every single time - cant really decide.
Yeah, I don't ~mind~ CSI and the ilk, it's just when you click on the TV and your options are CSI, NCIS, CSI Miami etc etc. It's like...man, would you like a side of grit with your grit, grit and grit?
Competition shows are rubbish. If I have to hear anything about one more season of celebrity got talent on x-factored ice with a top-model jungle I will scream.
Except Master Chef. That somehow manages to be brilliant.