Originally Posted by Columbine
Well, I personally find reality TV brain-numbing guff, so if that's what he means, I totally agree.
Not sure what you mean there either. You mean the sheer variety of programming on American TV means you can avoid all the things you dislike?
 Top Gear isn't half bad.
I agree. There is little real about reality TV anymore. Therefore I don't watch it.
The sheer volume of programming on American TV means I don't have to watch any type of show I don't want to.
Originally Posted by Columbine
Yeah, I don't ~mind~ CSI and the ilk, it's just when you click on the TV and your options are CSI, NCIS, CSI Miami etc etc. It's like...man, would you like a side of grit with your grit, grit and grit?
Do you only have 4 channels?