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godwine (Offline)
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08-31-2010, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Yeah, 8000 would be good, but the prices on the website seem to have gone up now to around 12,600 or something. That's a lot! (About £100 a night! If I were to stay there for 12 nights, that'd be £1200... a lot of money. Looking for something more around the £60-80 mark.) I'm willing to invest in a nice place though, I'm really picky about cleanliness~ I'm not really bothered about the style or anything, so long as it's a) clean and b) as it's own toilet and shower. So I shall have to think about it
I paid about the same for tokyo prince last year, it was like 13500 yen or something like that, so defintely 12600 may be a bit much

What about shinagawa prince? Its not exaly 8000 Yen a night, but I think you can get a decent price through

You can find info on them here: TOP | Shinagawa Prince Hotel
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