Thread: Matenrou-Opera
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(#65 (permalink))
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spoonybard (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 447
Join Date: Sep 2009
08-31-2010, 05:01 PM

Alright, people, Matenrou Opera's new official site is 摩天楼オペラ公式サイト. Second, they will make their major debut on 12/22. On that day, they will have a 7 song album coming out called 「Abyss」. It will be available in two types as usual, and the limited edition costs 4500, whereas the regular version will cost 2500(crazy difference, no? XD). The limited edition comes with an original tshirt. I don't know what size it will be available in..... in order to get the limited edition, it must be preordered by 10/24, Japan time. I don't know if this applies to CDJapan(they are taking preorders for both versions; limited edition costs $50.09, regular edition costs $27.83).

Anyway, just 'cause it's a regular edition doesn't mean you're not getting anything!!! I'm actually quite surprised that it's rather cheap for what it comes with, especially because it's something that would usually be something on a limited edition or something you'd have to go to a specific store to get. That just makes it better, plus most importantly, easily accessible to all. It's a DVD that includes a video of the "lead track", which probably means 「Abyss」 BUT!!! that's not the only thing.... the DVD also has the "making of" the album. Again, here is a link to their new official site, and a link to CDJapan's Matenrou Opera page for those interested. Please check them out!!!

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