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Columbine (Offline)
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08-31-2010, 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I think it depends what you like. I find American TV kinda cheesy sometimes - we get all the cheesy sitcoms. And chat shows, we get stuff like Sally and Ricky Lake (which I think is really old). And Judge Judy haha. (I like that show.) And then ours is like super depressing and gritty. That's why I think stuff like Dr Who does well, and more recently Sherlock (which is awesome IMO.)

I have a freeview box which basically has BBC, ITV, some news channels, a couple of music channels, re-run channels (my brothers are obessessed with Dave, they show basically Top Gear and comedy panel shows). Then there are the channels that I never look at, like the shopping channel.

The BBC in generally tends to be pretty good, IMO.
Sherlock <3 See, now that was good. I hope they do another run of that. I think the BBC, when it gets its act together, does some really stupendous stuff. Trouble is, for my taste it's pretty few and far between. I think you nailed it pointing out Dr. Who and Sherlock doing well, it's cause it's like highly savvy entertainment that can also be tea-time fun for all the family. I want more of that. And yeah, some of the gritty British dramas can be really, really well made. Just deeply depressing.
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