Originally Posted by LizzieRobinson
Anyone willing to befriend A Canadian girl !?
I landed a English teaching job and Im 18 ! Im going to be 19 when I go though !
And Ive been studying the Japanese culture for 3 years now !
I was just hoping to get some guidence while im in Japan? Make some friends before I go? Get some help showing me around.
Im either in Yokohama or Osaka !
So does this sort of thing happen? Or am I dreaming lol?
I have to ask, but how did you manage to get a teaching job without a degree or already being in the country?
And eighteen is so very young to move abroad on your own, I'm very pleased for you, but I hope that you're going to be alright. Studying the culture will help somewhat, but it'll be good if you can study the language too, because being in a foriegn country without speaking the language is a very, very hard thing, and life will be much easier if you speak some Japanese - even if it's just a little.