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(#4 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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08-31-2010, 11:07 PM

TBH, I'm not least convinced that the author of this really knows much Japanese. Teaching students the difference between Japanese transitive and intransitive verbs without even explaining the particles they each take is just a huge fault in itself.

And it's definitely NOT advanced Japanese as s/he says!

Originally Posted by BabyAzerty View Post
So when to use which one ?

It both means to begin, start right ?

But then, what is the difference between both ?

(Examples with sentences are welcome ^^)
Intransitive (A thing is the subject.):
Something + が/は + 始まる. = Something starts.

Transitive (A person is the subject.):
Someone + が/は + something +  + 始める. = Someone starts something. 
*Needless to say, the person subject is often hidden.

Example sentences. (You try and translate.)
1. 私は10歳の時柔道(じゅうどう)を始めた。
2. 映画(えいが)は5分前に始まった。
3. では授業(じゅぎょう)を始めます。
4. 大学でドイツ語を始めたいと思います。
5. 君に会った瞬間(しゅんかん)に恋は始まった。
6. まだ日本語を始めたばかりです。
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