Originally Posted by Columbine
A japanese rice cooker heats the rice and water up at the same time so it's a little different from what you have.
The rice for onigiri should be short-grain rice, but not glutinous. You'll have to check the packaging I'm afraid as I can't tell from your description what it is. There are indeed, lots of types of Japanese rice!
yeaaa... boiling water first then adding rice... i've never heard of that kinda tech in a recipe before >.>'''
so far that i know there are 3 ways of cooking rice
first way is to boil rice and water at the same time for 30 minutes
second way is to brown the rice and then add water, boil, then simmer for about 20; this makes a pilaf i believe
and the third way is to slowly add water(though usually a broth) to teh rice while stirring; this is for risotto >.>''
as for the rice cooker thing... yea i think it's a 'japanese rice cooker' because no other culture was smart/lazy enough to make an automatic rice cooker, lolz
as for actual nigiri... if you can squeeze a handful of rice together to the point where it won't fall apart too easily, then you can make nigiri out of it.
i've actually made nigiri out of jasmine rice before, which is a medium grained rice.
if your doing it by hand, keep a bowl of water next to you so you can moisten your hands with. rice doesn't stick to water.
in this way, you don't need plastic wrap, and imho, it looks better when it's made by hand >.>'
as for filling.... as long as you feel it'll taste good w/ the type of rice that your using, then by all means. just make sure the filling is as dry as possible though so that it doesn't leak through the rice
the nori is used so that the rice doesn't stick to your hands while eating >.>''
hope this helps