Originally Posted by Columbine
I kind of disagree that whales and dolphins aren't different from domestic meat stock, for precisely that; we breed animals specifically for eating, we don't breed and maintain whales for eating, we simply leech from wild stocks. It's exactly why the Bluefin Tuna is in trouble; we can't domesticate it and it's harder to regulate wild populations because they're not under our direct manipulation. Pressure from a severe population slump have finally driven us to find a way, but mammals don't breed as numerously as fish, so we should be careful it doesn't get to that stage.
From wildlife conservation stand point of view, you are totally right. But then with that stand point, killing bottlenose dolphins would be totally OK, which I don't think many want it to happen.
And yes, Hollywood sucks on many levels.
Originally Posted by steven
I just wanted to pass that information on to give another account on the whale-awareness in Japan. Unlike your situation, Columbine, I don't think people would be surprised in finding whale meat at the store at all (edit: in my area).
There are some regions in Japan that have the tradition of whaling. Japan is a country which has diverse cultures. Overall though, I don't think there are many places where people eat whale regularly. Definitely not Tokyo. Eating whale is very common in one region, and totally weird in others. You probably know this but just to clarify.
Originally Posted by Kufufunofu
^same i won't try to get too into the convo...
but after watching the cove,i definitely think the dolphin slaughter should stop...is it more for the money? because i think there is enough food supply :x
You just completely ignore what I have been saying and just casually fire away "I watched The Cove and I think they should stop killing dolphins!!".
I swear. I'll eat dolphin meat just to bug you if you don't re-read the thread right now.