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evanny (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I see you have nothing rational to add to this discussion...

You are an idiot.
check out your picture, then call someone an idiot.
and now then enlighten me. tell me why is it something special if they are self-aware? does the nature dramataclly change if we eat them? swap dolphins with pigs - now what would you do? would you still cry over each dolphine tho now there would be millions of them? and would you continiue eating pigs, because they would still be dumb and would have no special rights?

the fact remains that intelligent or not, that does not effect the world! they still do what all the "lesser" animals do - they migrate, they live in packs and live by the rules eat or be eaten. their self awarnes brings nothing to the table except something to eat

P.S rational my ass. im presenting rational thinking. you are presenting "emontional" based facts. know the difference!!!
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