Originally Posted by dirtyroboto
The gravy is a problem, I do like to make it fresh but the granules are so convenient when you need a large amount. I had to gravy up for 8 people and the small amount I managed to make hardly covered 3 people, let alone when they got a taste of it and wanted more.
Hmm, that's odd, we always make too much! I'd say conserve your cooking fat then, over time so when you need to do gravy for 8 you have more fat than just what's been produced in the cooking of the meat for that meal. When my mum does it for large parties, she actually just goes down to the butcher and gets the fat trimmings off of the kidneys, which is usually free as they discard it. Then use a denser stock to conserve the flavor; that should stretch your gravy. Also if you make it the day before and let it sit, it'll usually thicken again, and you can bulk it up a second time with another dose of stock.
Originally Posted by dirtyroboto
Oh! and oven cooking has not caught on in Japan. You wil need to recalculate your oven skills to fit in with oven toasters or microwave combi's.
This. Although I have discovered you can roast small chicken joints and potatoes in a fish grill!