Originally Posted by cranks
You didn't present any argument except dolphins are poisonous and activists are also against factory farming. How can I fail to see arguments that do not exist?
I was referring to you thinking that a few Western governments and the environmentalists are saying the same thing. It seems you see the anti whaling side as a collection of people with the same arguments and agendas where in fact it is a collection of arguments from various people with different agendas. I support ONE of the MANY various anti-whaling positions out there. You and the majority of Japanese make this mistake because the Japanese government and media portrays the whaling issue in this way.
Originally Posted by cranks
"You" said because they are against factory farming, it gives them the right to attack whaling. By "logic", they need to attack factory farming with 30,000 times the resources. In reality, it's the other way around. Why? you said it. There's more than that. It's not just cruelty. As I said, it had nothing to do with the discussion.
You are just paranoid. I see an environmentalist movement who is picking its battles wisely. Furthermore, different organizations have different purposes.
Originally Posted by cranks
Also, you seem to concede that dolphin meat is not considerably more poisonous than other fish. You presented 2 reasons for supporting activists, and now you have none. So again, as I said, you should stop supporting them. If you think logically.
I didnt concede anything. I based my facts on the movie the cove and other websites and articles Ive read. You said it isnt so without giving me any sort of link... I cant prove you wrong... you cant prove me wrong... and it wasnt my main argument.
Originally Posted by cranks
Last I checked, Taichi was a Japanese city. And last I checked, Japan is whaling according to the IWC's decisions. The INTERNATIONAL community decided Japan can hunt such and such amount and she does so. The INTERNATIONAL community banned Sea Shepherd from the IWC. And the INTERNATIONAL community is against pirating.
It is the anti-whaling activists that do not follow international conventions and laws. You should attack them instead. Again, if you think logically.
Now you are just getting confused because we were talking about 2 issues at once. I am not defending the activists completely. But I am on their side as I dont want to see legalization of commercial whaling.
Originally Posted by cranks
I don't see many Indonesian or Malaysian among anti-whaling activists. You are purposely mixing up environmental concerns and the issue with anti-whaling activists. I take it as a dishonest argument tactic. I, and many Japanese people, have never opposed to environmental conservation.
CDNN :: Indonesia Expels Japanese Whaling Ship
Japanese whaling vessel was forced to leave Indonesian waters on Thursday after the government rejected its request to dock at the state-owned PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya, East Java Province, an official said on Thursday.
"We asked the Japanese whaling ship to go and it has left. We don't want to support any illegal fishing," said Sumarto Suharno, head of the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Office, or KSDA.
Originally Posted by cranks
Exactly. And for money, they do anything. That's why many Japanese people don't trust these activists. Because they lie. It's not like Japanese government is as white as an angel, but these activists are really dirty.
Well the Discovery Channel did it for the money. I am pretty sure that Sea Shepherd did it for awareness purposes first and foremost.
Originally Posted by cranks
OK. By your "logical reasoning", it is OK to eat human baby because their IQ is lower than a dog's. It is also OK to eat mentally retarded. Further more, It is OK to eat people in vegetable state. And THAT'S not barbaric. VERY Interesting to say the least.
I am really starting to question your intelligence. Self-awareness is not the ONLY parameter to be considered in the question as to whether or not something should or shouldnt be eaten obviously.
Originally Posted by cranks
By the way, by what "logical reasoning" do you say it is OK to eat something with "self-awareness"? I don't see any logic there.
I see a moral dilemma here. If something is self aware then we
If you dont see a moral dilemma here then why not?