Originally Posted by evanny
ok. whales go extinct..big whoop? every day on avarage 25 spiecies go extinct. and ..do you see stock market crashing, sky burning? no. because spiecies going extinct is normal - its us who are making fuss because we dont like that things change and we can't control them. thats all it is.
more than 95% of speacies that has ever lived on this planet are gone. we are only to blame for a small % of everything..rest is nature at its work - faild mutations are bound to go extinct. so will we
Big whoop indeed. Whales are actually near the top of the food chain in the ocean. Getting rid of whales will have a HUGE effect on the eco-system.
Newsflash.... Species going extinct due to our overconsumption is a bad thing.
Originally Posted by evanny
P.S lol.. Mr. i dont like to eat much meat of self-aware animals. its like saying i only have a small bite of that childs leg, because we who are self-aware are all equal, but i am still hungry.
What are you talking about? You have clearly misunderstood something Ive said because that just made no sense.