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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Please don't read my mind but my words. Please present MY sentence that made you think this way. I have never talked about Western governments.
I never said you did! I used the "Western governments" as an example of the various positions that are held on the issue! Stop pulling at straws here dude. It was a response on your assuming of all sorts of things about the "anti whaling position" when there are MANY anti whaling positions out there.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Again, please present MY sentence that made you think this way.
Page 5
You say

- The fact you don't support factory farming doesn't have anything to do with this argument. The US consumes 10 times more meat than Japan do. Why do the activists go all the way to the end of the world to protest against whaling that produce only 0.03% of meat, i.e. kill less than 0.03% of lives, the US do? Why don't they sabotage their local slaughterhouse? Why don't Discovery channel air "Cow War" or "Chicken War" or "Pig War", and attack their local farmers? Come on, we are talking about more than 30,000 times the lives here. That's only logical right? The reason is that it is "culturally" more acceptable to kill cows or chickens or pigs than whales in the West, well, more specifically, in the English speaking countries. It IS about whalers versus anti-whalers, and it IS about some western culture versus Japanese culture. It's a crusade against whaling. And crusade is a synonym for racism and massacre in some parts of the world.

There are many other examples but this is the first in which you treat the anti-whaling argument as one big argument where in fact it is hundreds of smaller ones with different agendas and different ideologies.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
It is YOUR responsibility to present that ONE position. You keep accusing me of failing to understand this and that, when you haven't presented anything yourself.
I stated my position in my very first entry into this thread and numerous times since then.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Oh, NOW it's about Japanese eh?
Fuck off... Dont pull the race card. If you do then youve lost.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
OK. My view is different from yours so I'm paranoid. Very well.
Originally Posted by cranks View Post
I posted the link below just 4 post before your first post here. I'd be nice if you can pay a little more attention to what other people are saying before starting to preach what you believe is morally superior.

"OK. This seems to be more of the case than anything else. Mercury concentration varies depending largely on the species."

Your argument is based on a movie and some website articles. OK. I understand.
No... Its based on an International study CITED by these articles and websites.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Again. Please Please pay a little more attention to what people are saying, and stop reading people's mind. Nobody was talking about commercial whaling.
Oh really?

Page 5

Greenpeace only has 5500 members in Japan which is very few considering it has 260 million members worldwide. Many Japanese people, including myself, take a stance "I don't eat whale, but I don't hold with the activists. Who do they think they are to think their moral standard is higher than Japanese's?". It's interesting you assumed it was "liberal" to be anti-whaling because a lot of people are taking it as racism in Japan. You, Ronin, are talking to a scuba diver who has never had whale before, and grew up in an area where whaling is not a tradition or a part of the local culture. I have no reason to support whaling except that anti-whaling activists are often egoistic and their activities are inciting racism on both sides.

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
You are the one who said Japan should obey the INTERNATIONAL community. And you are now supporting Sea Shepherd which is banned from the INTERNATIONAL whaling community, and employing methods that are clearly against the INTERNATIONAL law. Your logic is very expedient. You say one thing, but don't stick to your own logic and start saying something totally irrelevant or something that contradicts with your previous logic. I feel that you are arguing just because you don't wanna lose.
Learn to read idiot. I said specifically

Page 8
I am not defending the activists completely. But I am on their side as I dont want to see legalization of commercial whaling.

You are the one being tripped up by your own argument so dont try and tell me that Im the one trying to "win"

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Thanks for a very intelligent remark.
You are welcome

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
Well, again, YOU are the one who said the LOGICAL reasoning is that "The fact is that Dolphins are intelligent animals that have self-awareness. This makes killing them cruel". and AGAIN, you started saying "well that's not the only thing" when your logic is refuted. So what is your LOGICAL reasoning after all? And will you keep inventing a new "logical reasoning" every time it is refuted? If so, please let me know now. I'll give up.

Its like saying that there is only one reason for everything. That because babies are less self aware that it is OK to eat them. Babies are not eaten for OTHER REASONS that have nothing to do with being self aware. The main one being that mothers probably wouldnt be too happy with you eating their babies.

Think dammit!

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 09-03-2010 at 06:22 PM.
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