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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
I might have quite a lot questions actually, but here are the first three
1. Are there any books or scriptures that, if not considered sacred, at least considered important to shinto?

2. What is the specific idea of kami. Are they just gods, does it represent something in particular, etc.?

3. Is the purification ritual for cars and buildings true, and if so, what is the purpose?
1- Nihonshoki and Kojiki are the first books ever published in Japanese and are tales of the Creation of the Earth, the Emporers divinity and the divinity of Japan.

2- I will have to get back to you on that.

3- Yeah its true for buildings.. didnt know about the car thing. Its just to placate the spirits of the area.
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