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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
Next three
1. I read that shinto does not have the idea of sin, but it has purification rituals like Misogi. Why do they perform these rituals? Is is because they did something that the kami found displeasing?

2. Is there a reason why there is a ritual for infants who are expected to be born within a few months?

3. Reffering to the purification of cars and buildings, how or why does the creation of the car or building anger the/a kami?
Oh... tough questions

My class was a bit too general for that sort of depth. It was on Japanese religious history and didnt go into that much detail regarding practice and belief except where relevant.

Sorry I was busy in another thread so apologies if you were waiting for my answer.
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