Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
You are an idiot.
Its not because whales are cute.
Its because Japan is clearly commercially hunting whale when it is prohibited.
The REASON it is prohibited is because resuming full commercial whaling would result in many species of whale becoming extinct.
Also I have also presented my argument that whales are self-aware animals.
Idiot? What type of language is that? Don't like what I have to say so out comes the insults.
It's all about cute, The west has no problem being inhuman to thousands of animals as long as its the meat they want to eat. This is about one culture thinking they have the right to tell another culture whats right and wrong. If you didn't know that, you don't understand the situation.
IWC membership is voluntary. No one can force Japan to be a member. Japan has never broken an IWC rule. The opposition say Japan has found a loop hole in the rules and are taking advantage of them. Tough!!! rules are rules. Japan is following them. If you don't like whats going on. Change the IWC rules. The reason they don't is because Japan would then Quit the IWC and then you got NOTHING.
Self-aware? Whales? Like ' I think, therefore I am'? And you called me an idiot.... LOL!
Go bother Norway with your touchy-feely non-sense.