Thread: Okura Waterfall
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Sashimister (Offline)
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09-04-2010, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by janita View Post
Well, we are planning to go from Takayama to Tsumago. But now i've found some interesting waterfalls (ok, probably not more interesting then others) in Okura on this website: Hida Takayama HP English/Tourist Information (nr 21). On this place you can see where it is in Takayama region: HIDA TAKAYAMA MAP

Does anybody has more information? Is it free to visit? Does we need a guide? Is it open all day (like from 9 till 17h). Is it worth it?

Problem is that i don't find any more information then what's on the website above.
Go there, it's free and open all day. The area is like a hidden gem of Central Japan.

If I may say this, DO NOT drive all the way to the Ookura Falls. If you do that, this portion of the trip will be over in just several minutes. Instead, park near the entrance to the hiking course and do the round-trip. It will take about 90 minutes and you will get to see lots of interestingly-shaped rocks, streams and several dozen smaller water falls before you reach the main one (Ookura). I remember you saying you're coming in the fall. Is that's the case, this entire area will be in gorgeous fall colors.
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