Originally Posted by munzy
この時、「今の自分」に何がしかの影響が加わるんだろ うなぁ……。
In this moment, I wonder what influence nothing but "now myself" ......?
This moment, it seems like there is some effect on my "current self", hm...
わたしゃ演劇なんて幼稚園の時にやったっきりだよ。← 金のがちょうの女王様役(笑)
Me, I act when I was in the kindergarden! Doing a princess... (something
like that)
I've not done drama since kindergarten. <- The part of the queen in the Golden Goose (haha).
I'm not able doing skillful things as to become a different person
I can't do skillful things like becoming a different person.
だから、どういう影響を及ぼすのか想像がつかない。So, I can't imagine what
kind of impact will affect me.
So, I can't imagine what kind of effect it will have (on me).
Where do you get this source material from O_O