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(#7 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
09-04-2010, 11:42 PM

It depends on the person, but I'd say that in general having blond/brown hair is different than asian black hair for sure. The way you clean it has a lot to do with your scalp as well I believe. Some people have dry scalps and have to compensate for that and some people have overly oily scalps and have to deal with that. Using an oily shampoo when you have an oily head might give you some problems.

I've used quite a few shampoos and what I like the best so far is Vogue "Scalp Shampoo" and Predia Conditioner. I don't know why, but I think they make a good combo. I've used a few types of Predia Conditioner-- there's one in a tiny green package that you leave on your head for a few minutes before rinsing it out and it leaves your head with a nice cool feeling-- I actually really like using it on extremely hot days if not for that reason alone. They also make a conditioner (which I think is pretty new) that comes in a bigger package. It retains a lot of what the smaller packaged stuff has, but you don't have to leave it in your hair as long. It will get the job done but it won't leave your head with that super cool feeling. Vogue also makes a seaweed based conditioner in a same sized case as the small Predia stuff that works pretty good.

I imagine it's expensive stuff though. My wife picks it up at her work for a discount. If you have brittle hair, the combinations that I wrote about will help alleviate it to a degree.

Predia Website: (I guess it's part of Kose)
I use the リラックスヘッドスパ [2520円] and the big bottle of ファンゴヘアマスク [3000円]

Vogue Website: (Looks like it's part of kanebo)

One thing about these shampoos is that you can buy refills for them, so you don't have to keep buying new bottles and cases. In fact, our bottle of Vogue is an older version. You can save like 500円 or so by getting refills.

Good luck!
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