Originally Posted by MissMisa
Lol I'm just gonna dismiss your point now because it's frankly a load of crap.
of course you will. youll have a bite of your echo-friendly apple and keep on ignoring what outcome others have presented in your plan.
you just dont get how the wild life works, dont you? humans can't use predetor spiecies in almost anywere...they are just not so usefull as the rest of the spiecies. and problem with the whole nature starts when people like you decide its a good thing to save those predators who naturally are allways in smaller numbers that the rest of the wildlife.
im saying you that lifes here for the rest of wildlife (not just it. also farmers) are gone down because foxes are so many and none needs them. and govorment is going to take action when its all totally FD UP like allways.
so please. continiue eating your echo-eggs and everything else echo because its also a load of crap and i like the idea you eating it.