Originally Posted by chiuchimu
To be honest MissMisa has much more relevant and stronger arguments than you. I just wanted her to know that in the end, it doesn't matter what foreigners think, we will decide for ourselves.
Lol.. we? Who is we? Japan? A lot of Japanese are against whaling also. Do their opinions not matter? Stop trying to make this about Japan.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
your self-aware argument is the weakest I ever came across for two reasons:
1) you never gave proof. only the opinions of bios scientists. They are the only ones that say whales have a high level of self-awareness. It's not up to me to devise a proof to test self-awareness.
Its not my whole argument. My other argument of course is that whaling is environmentally unsustainable.
ONLY the opinions of scientists? They are the ones whose opinion matters the most. After all... they are
Hmmm... who do you listen to for information on thinks like nature? I listen to
scientists personally
As I said before. The only reason it cant be said
for certain that they are self aware is because dolphins and whales havent spoken to humans and told us that they are.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
2) There is no consensus that self-awareness is more important than say awareness of surroundings, ability to feel fear, to feel pain , ability to use tools, level of intelligence, etc... Self-awareness as the litmus test defining what we can eat or not eat is purely your opinion and yours alone.
I actually gave an article back a couple posts which says it is the opinion held by scientists on the issue too. So guess what... you are wrong again.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
you can have your opinion just as MissMisa can have hers and I can have mine. But it's no more relevant than anyone else opinion and the final right to choose a direction goes to Japan..
Japan can choose whatever she wants. This is about who is right or wrong.