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MidnightSun (Offline)
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Posts: 12
Join Date: Sep 2010
Smile Japan Trip in 2011 - A Few Questions! - 09-05-2010, 01:42 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the Japan Forum and i have some questions about travelling to Japan - I have never been before but would like to go next Spring, for 4-5 weeks.

1. This is an odd one, but i've read quite a bit about Japanese giant hornets (most of it is probably over-sensationalised), but as a serious question, how common/dangerous are they? I would potentially like to do some remote walking in rural areas.

2. I've picked Spring to travel because i'd really like to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom across the country - are there any amazing festivals that i must go to in particular during this time?

3. Is there by any chance a translated website (English) saying which Japanese music bands/artists are touring next Spring in Japan? I'd love to go and see a few if possible while i'm there.

4. How are clothes sizes? I'm just over 6' tall, slim build and would like to buy some clothes while i'm there, but i get the feeling i'll be considered very tall and wonder if regular shops would stock such a size?

5. Are there any particlar places of interest that you personally would recommend?

I know some of these questions are quite specific, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

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