Originally Posted by chiuchimu
I already addressed that.
Where did you address the environmental argument?
The environmental argument is that it is not sustainable and that big business cant be trusted to maintain quotas set when their operation is not even economically sustainable unless they surpass these quotas.
Not to mention that if Japan is allowed to whale, then you will have other Asian countries like Korea demanding that they be allowed too. (In fact they already do whale hunt though their quota is significantly smaller I think.)
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
The opinions of pro-environmental scientist doesn't count. I can predict exactly on what side of the line their opinions will land not because I am clairvoyant, but because they have an agenda. That is why science requires proof.
Its opinion based on their expertise, their findings. Its not like they made it up. You can read it anywhere. Are they predisposed to sympathy for the whale? Sure they are. But lets look at their findings upon which they BASE their opinions. All have been tested. And which do you think is more likely? Scientists make stuff up, risking their livelihood and their reputation in order to bolster their "agenda" or the whaling industry and their apologists playing stubborn, claiming that its not "proof". And of course it never will be proof for them and their apologists like yourself until they say in Japanese that they are self aware.
Like I said before. The dolphins passed the mirror test. Some species of whales have been observed communicating and organise themselves around a language, even referring to each other by what seems to be name, and speak in dialects.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Well, I can live with that since you acknowledged Japan will choose it's own path. and the path we choose may not be the right on for you, but it will be the right on for us.
Lets just examine the path Japan has chosen shall we?
You have a bunch of whaling lobbyists who are Japanese nationalists that are pissed off because commercial whaling was banned for ENVIRONMENTAL reasons. They have a lot of money and therefore have considerable influence amongst Japans corrupt politicians (Japanese politics is pretty much a joke among the international community, I mean Kan says some promising stuff... but so did his predecessor so lets see how long he lasts).
It is not even economically feasible to hunt whale without government subsidy which is what these lobbyists recieve.
Yeah... "good choice" Japan
Its not even a practical choice. Which is what makes the Sea Shepherds work important. For every whale they prevent the whalers from catching, that is more money that the Japanese government has to pay in order to sustain this industry.