Originally Posted by GoNative
This isn't about racism. It's about economics versus animal rights. Taiji fisherman kill the dolphins for money, pure and simple. People from around the world think dolphins are somewhat amazing animals and don't wish to see them slaughtered in the manner they are in Taiji. Nothing to do with racial issues.
Japanese nationalists like to try and deflect the argument by trying to make it into an issue of racism but it isn't.
Believe what you want to believe. It's ironic you are GoNative. you seem to have no interest in going native in Japanese culture.
A lot of people in Japan think these activists are racist. And I agree.
If you think I am a slanted nationalist Japanese, that's fine. But the truth is, I'm probably one of the most liberal Japanese person who understand the western (and antipodal) side of the view more than 99.9% of Japanese people. Just look at what language we are using. It is not even my mother tongue, yet honestly, I'm making a lot more considerate post than your 5 line post.
I repeat. Racism is hard to see when you are the majority. Racism is not just about using the N word. It's about the feeling of superiority.