Sorry you are completely losing me on most of that post.
I am not one of the people saying the slaughter should be stopped. I am not arguing that dolphins are somehow superior to other animals and deserve special consideration. I do believe though that hunting wild populations of animals is a little different to slaughtering animals that have been domesticated, bred and farmed purely for human consumption.
I am not suggesting that bad things happen to animals only in Japan and for your information I worked a couple of summers in cattle slaughter houses in Australia and I still love eating beef!
All I am saying is that there are people who believe that dolphins do deserve special consideration, that they are not just like any other animal. There are also people who believe the way in which the dolphins are slaughtered in Taiji is cruel and unusual. It's not a matter of whether I agree with them or not which to be honest I don't.
I do believe though these people have every right to express their outrage about what is occurring in Taiji and to protest against the slaughter. I don't believe it has anything to do with racism. This sort of slaughter of dolphins would be condemned no matter where it happened in the world. It is ridiculous to try and turn this into a racism issue.
I have absolutely no idea why you have brought up the nuclear bombings during WWII. What have they got to do with this issue? And I dislike nationalists in any country. Over the top patriotism is destructive anywhere it occurs. I am certainly not patriotic one little bit about my home country. Criticise it all you like
And I have had many arguments with friends over the years about their beliefs in religion and god. Sure people have a right to their beliefs but I reserve the right to criticise them for their beliefs