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Koir (Offline)
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09-07-2010, 04:10 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Can you tell me the difference between "be" and "become" ?

She wants to be a teacher.
She wants to become a teacher.

and plus "will" and "be going to" ?

He's going to be a doctor.
?He's going to become a doctor.
He will be a doctor.
?He will become a doctor.
The difference is mainly in the sense of time. "Be" implies that the person is the occupation stated in the sentence (a doctor). "Become" implies that the person's occupation stated in the sentence will be truthful in the future.

For "will" and "be going to", they add a sense of certainty to the statement in the context. The person's occupation in the future will be what is stated in sentence.

My observations are based mainly on the context, and may not be entirely correct. Still, I hope they are of some use, yumyumtimtam.

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