Here is a short explanation of the practice:
Okinawan Traditional Goju Ryu Karate-do Association History Page
'Partner exercises (gyaku-te in Goju-Ryu) with qinna, are the basis of kakie ('kokie' in the Fujian dialect), one of the strongholds of Goju-Ryu.
Goju-Ryu is characterised by emphasising close-combat fighting. In basic kakie the karate-ka learns the go-aspects such as rooting, absorbing power, using muchimi and ki-expansion. Aspects that are also emphasised in sanchin kata. In the technical respect the karate-ka learns to use pushing- and pulling-techniques in this phase in order to out-balance his opponent (kuzushi waza) to make the fighting distance suitable to himself. Connected to this, different methods to lock arms (or legs) of the opponent and 'opening up' the vital points of the body follow (kyushu-jutsu).
After learning these basics the applications of the kata are integrated in kakie.
The fighting techniques trained in kakie, like so many bunkai kumite, are known as 'gyaku-te' and are divided in categories like e.g. kansetsu waza (manipulation of the joints), nage waza (throwing techniques), shime waza (strangulation's) and kyusho waza (manipulation of the vital points).
Kakie training is integrated in the total curriculum. As soon as a good foundation is laid in terms of basic techniques and abilities, kakie training shifts to become more free form ending in jiyu kakie kumite and iri kumi, the free-fight exercise and competition-form of Goju-Ryu.
Many techniques trained in kakie and in the bunkai can be traced back to the old Chinese text about fighting arts, the 'Bubishi'.'
There are a number of ways of transliteraing this term into English - kakai, kaki, kokie and kakie, etc. I am trying to pin-point the exact Japanese characters for 'ka' and 'kai'. I was thinking that a Goju Ryu Karate-Do text in Japanese might well contain these characters.
Thank you.
PS: This is the actual practice: