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JF Ossan
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09-07-2010, 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
It's actually America that wants Japan to show more military presence in the world, and it's America that wants Japan to not export so many cars to the states. So yeah, I agree Japan needs to reduce the degree of "reliance" on the states, but I don't think that means "distancing". And in order to do so, Japan needs to take care of her own problems like the communists in schools, Korean lobbyists, bureaucratic inertia, etc.
You say that like "America" is one voice. There are those that feel like Japan should defend itself as it is one of the biggest economies in the world, but then again there are those that are happy to take the responsibility on.

These little problems in Japan like Communist schools and Korean lobbyists are minor blips on the radar. Bureaucratic inertia is part of Japan's cultural imperative.
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