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siokan (Offline)
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Location: solar system,2ch
09-07-2010, 11:46 AM

It is not kakai but it is kakie.
kakie = かきえ
It was being written by the hiragana on all sites in web.
There is not the detailed explanation of kakie in WEB.

Examined consequence.
*kakei does only Goju.
*There is no book that shows the origin.
*There are a lot of sects also in Goju-ryu.
*The thing that everyone says is different.
*Wikipedia is a battlefield.

Bubishi 武備志
It is difficult to read the old book of China.
There are a lot of Manuscript mistakes.
There is a Chinese character not used by the age, and are a lot of replacements, too.
There are similarly a lot of mistakes as for the referred book.
The positive answer is not found through life.
(I'm looking forward to it however. )

uncertain history(cn) * uncertain history(jp) = Chaos

Please permit poor English. orz
Cryptanalysis is necessary for you.
set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff
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