Originally Posted by shida
Thank you Godwine, for your efforts in this matter. I was wondering whether such a term from China would have Chinese characters - but these characters 'かきえ' appear to be Japanese. Do you think 'kakie' comes from Fujian province?
Thank you
I am Chinese, but have no connection with the Fujian province at all. Though, that pronounciation doesn't resembles anything out of the limited amount of dialect I can understand. Though let me check with a couple of people that I know first, now that i think of it, base on the description, if its actually relates to any Chinese art, the closest form I think will either be Pushing hand (推手-Tui Shou) from Tai Chi, or Sticky Hand (黐手 - Chi Shou) from Wing Chun, but none of them sounded anything like Kaki