Thread: Homestay Visit
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KawaiiN3ko (Offline)
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Question Homestay Visit - 09-07-2010, 08:08 PM

My husband and I are planning a visit to Japan. We want to stay in a traditional Japanese setting. I mean full out Washitsu style - tatami flooring, sliding doors, zabuton seating, everything. To my suprise, it's difficult to find a hotel like this... they are all western style hotels

But, I have heard about homestay visits. Which sounds so wonderful! But I have some questions that I hope that someone can answer ....

How is the privacy?
Do they offer tours of Japan?
Rates/website info?
When is the best time of the year to go?
Are meals included?
How many people stay with one family?

Please if anyone has had a homestay visit I would love to know how it went! Or if anyone knows of some good traditional japanese hotels that would be awesome too!!

Thanks everyone

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