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(#40 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You say that like "America" is one voice. There are those that feel like Japan should defend itself as it is one of the biggest economies in the world, but then again there are those that are happy to take the responsibility on.

These little problems in Japan like Communist schools and Korean lobbyists are minor blips on the radar. Bureaucratic inertia is part of Japan's cultural imperative.
Sure, American "people" have different opinions, and "America" wants such and such is a very simplified view. My point though was that it was American government that requested Japan to send its force to Iraq and Afghanistan. the US also supports Japan joining the UN Security Council, and It is generally understood that it wants Japan to take more military "responsibilities", for example, Alexander Arvizu, one of the high ranking American Deplomats, expressed the need for Japan to "deal with more difficult situations"should Japan join the security council, alluding to actual combat operations. 自衛隊、危険な任務にも 安保理常任理事国の条件 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース)

My position on the radar blips is in the post above.
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