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chiuchimu (Offline)
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09-08-2010, 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
If there was no benefit to exporting, no one would do it. Imports benefit both parties. If exporters accept high tariffs, they accept high tariffs. They always have the option to choose not to sell.
So during the late 70 and early 80, when Japanese imports were out selling American cars and almost bankrupting these American car companies, that was good and beneficial to both parties?

All that 'buy American' and 'Japan bashing' happened because stupid Americans just didn't understand that buying Japanese cars was beneficial to their economy? Face it, too much Japanese cars hurt the U.S. car industry and economy while making japan richer. This is exactly what's happening with expensive fashion imported into Japan from Europe.

Imports can benefit the consumer and some side companies, but it hurts domestic companies and takes the money out of circulation. Total trade between two or more countries can be beneficial if they carefully make agreements. yes. But, on any one item, imports usually hurt the domestic economy unless there are special circumstances like, the lack of something in one country while the abundance of said thing in another. Handbags are made in Japan - they don't qualify as special situation.

Last edited by chiuchimu : 09-08-2010 at 12:57 AM.
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