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(#42 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
09-08-2010, 01:22 AM

I didn't realize Japan was so well known for expensive fashion goods like handbags... America was known for its cars, after all. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the handbags that aren't sold for their name brand were made in China. I'll check it out the next time I'm out.

chiuchimu, it's funny you bring that up about that era. I think that was a worrying time for America. Styx wrote a song about it for crying out loud. Also, I have a T-shirt from that era that says "Buy American... while you still can" (it has a Japanese flag like overtaking an American flag) which I really enjoy for its comical purposes today. In all seriousness, however, I think America brought a lot of that upon themselves. There were many quality issues with American cars and I believe the competition was a good thing. I don't think that Japanese cars are known for being very expensive either. This is getting away from the time period you were talking about, but looking at today, I think Japanese car companies have actually helped America. As far as I known, most Japanese cars sold in America are made in America. I've known plenty of Americans who work or have worked for Japanese car companies in America. Although I'm sure they exist, I haven't met anyone who works for an American car company. From what I hear, most American cars are made in Mexico (maybe just assembled?). I don't know much about the top guys of Japanese car companies, but it seems like the GM guys are always having a great time, which is good for them, but when the rest of the economy is in a slump and their company was going down the toilet you kind of wonder how much of that "buy American" business is a heaping load of horse apples.

I'm dragging on, but it seems to me that there are plenty of taxes put on imported handbags... they are, in my opinion too, outrageously expensive. However, it's the Japanese public who is choosing to buy them. People aren't forced into buying these things. Maybe part of the problem is Japan's willingness to shell out their money for those things... and where does that problem stem? In otherwords, this is like Americans who complain to or sue fast food companies because they are fat.

Cranks, thanks for all that info! And believe me I'm fully aware of all the taxes and cost of cars... I feel like I'm paying a few 万 every month to the city hall for some thing or another that has to do with my car. The toll roads are a bit expensive... the 1000円 thing on the weekends they have going is great though. I heard they were going to get rid of tolls eventually, but I'm not so certain about that one. I have to give one huge compliment to Japan though-- the roads here are beautiful compared to where I came from in the US. Even with all the crazy weather here, they still stay in great shape. Another thing is that used cars here seem to be quite affordable and in great shape compared with the US. I remember driving on the freeway in California and seeing peoples' tires ready to fall off (literally not kidding... unfortunately). It makes me feel a lot safer here (although I do see a lotta small kids w/o baby seats).

I'm curious about the NK and communist thing with school teachers... I have met a few people who are very sympathetic with NK, which was surprising to me. It's always interesting to talk to all kinds of people for me. I like listening to different perspectives on that type of thing.
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