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Sangetsu (Offline)
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09-08-2010, 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by fluffy0000 View Post
Cuban missile crisis happened in Oct. 1962' - Stalin died in 1953' ?
Cuba was ruled by a dictator Batista some called him a President, but history calls him a dictator, and military leader closely aligned with and supported by the United States.
Batista's corrupt and repressive regime systematically profited from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, in partnership with U.S. corporations and the American Mafia. As a result, for three years Fidel Castro's July 26th Movement and other rebelling elements led a guerrilla uprising against Batista's regime which culminated in his eventual defeat
Stalin was still a recent memory in 1962, and people still remember the 30-odd million who died during his rule.

Exactly how pleasant has Cuba's lifestyle been since the revolution? Cuba merely traded an American puppet leader and American exploitation for a Soviet-supported puppet leader, and Soviet exploitation. Given that the average "capitalist exploited" part-time McDonald's worker in America earns more money in a week than your typical Cuban full-time worker earns in months, it's hard to see what benefit the Cuban people have felt from the revolution.

Japan's first government after the war was an American-supported puppet government, and one could argue that Japan was exploited by America as well. An American reviewed and approved the present Japanese constitution, and an American created the basic agricultural and industrial systems which exist until this day.

Has Japan suffered from American interference and exploitation? I don't think so.

And yes, I have been to Cuba myself.
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