Originally Posted by edelweiss
Sports drinks are not a replacement for water. People drink sports drinks after heavy exercise to replenish their electrolytes. Here's a piece from Columbia University's Health Q&A:
I wouldn't drink water when I was a kid. But trust me that when I got thirsty enough and was not given any other options, I drank the water.
Pocari and Aquarius are different than Gatorade and PowerAde in the US. You can just tell by looking at them.
(As was stated before) during this especially hot summer in Japan, Pocari was recommended by health officials as the best way to keep healthy and hydrated. I thought that was surprising, as in the US, water is always the #1 recommended drink. But we don't have the same sports drinks in the US as they do in Japan.
Originally Posted by steven
I guess mother knows best! I wonder if drinking a bottle of Pocari/Aquarius would help reduce a hangover? I might try that the next time I have an enkai.
No need to wonder. It is a wonder-drug that works wonders ... without drugs.