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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-08-2010, 12:32 PM

True, but it's not the same. Germany has a huge military - they don't need U.S. protection. those base are still there to serve U.S. needs as jump points so U.S. can project its power. The bases in Germany as well as others are only there because countries lost the war.
Germany have a huge military?

If I remember correctly, they have a similar military expeniditure to Japan.

And the bases are not there just because they lost the war. There was a period after the World War 2 which ended in 1991. It was called the Cold War. Its the same reason the bases in Japan stayed.

The bases are still there because the countries involved in the Cold War are still competing for influence.

Anyway... I would like to see the Americans leave Japan too.

But I think it can only happen under a stronger Asia.

The South East Asian region needs to come together to become like the EU, and forge an alliance as potent as NATO, if it wants to be free of Chinese AND American influence. This would hopefully include Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

Unfortunately this sort of community is a long way off.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 09-08-2010 at 12:35 PM.
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