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ARoomwithaMOOSE's Avatar
ARoomwithaMOOSE (Offline)
Communicating Effectively
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09-08-2010, 01:03 PM

I have a couple of friends in Japan that I e-mail with and from what I hear they like tall girls/women. So my advice is if you want a Japanese boyfriend/girlfriend go for it.

And while we are on the subject of height;
Please stop talking for tall people><
I am 6 foot three and I totally love shorter guys
My cut off point for a guys height (that I would date) is around 5 foot seven.

I know a lot of tall ladies who like short guys and short guys who like tall women as well..... so please stop lumping all of us tall gals in with guys who have an issue with height.
Besides most tall guys (from the US) have their heads so far up their a** that it's just plain scary.A lot of guys (and yes there are some women too) just need to get over the whole "my chick needs to be shorter then me" attitude. )

There I feel a little better now.
I guess that part of my point is that it people get all hung up on height and it shouldn't matter.

Give tall people a chance
Peace Out

Peace is Knowing

"No One would ride in a car with out breaks"


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