Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Can you supply me source? What I've found is a bit fishy.
1) crime rate by Solders in Okinawa is less than crime rate of Americans solders anywhere in the world. Sounds odd to me.
2) The data I've seen are Okinawan police only( not including MP records ) and the data is crimes by Solders Vs All crimes. That includes foreigners that aren't solders and I know that Okinawa tourism has gone up in the last thirty years.
It's a fact that 30 years ago a mockery of the law and judicial process was being committed by the solders and military courts in Japan and the Japanese government could do anything about it. Same stuff happened in the Philippines were local police were told to look the other way in the red light districts. What's the likely hood that any of this has really stopped? their is 50,000 solders and they mostly hang around the area close to the bases. It wouldn't be too hard to make good P.R. for this group. I wouldn't be surprised if the Okinawan police were told to layoff and let the MP's handle it. Of course I have no proof, but I'm a skeptical when the data is too rosy and doesn't match the norm.
2~3 weeks ago another attempted rape happened.
Cranks has supplied you the sources.
You have found that crime rates by soldiers stationed in Okinawa is lower than other parts in the world. Why is that fishy? Every time a crime is committed by an Okinawan soldier the base goes into lockdown. I remember a very public case about 15 years ago, and the local bars complaining that when the base goes into lockdown it really hurts local businesses, like bars, restaurants and other stores the soldiers would frequent.
You are not addressing my answers to your questions. You stated there was an accusation of attempted rape by a soldier in Okinawa in recent weeks (a tenuous statement at best... "Hey young lady, can I buy you a drink" can be construed as an attempted rape these days)... but I know of cases were ALTs (foreign English teachers) have been sent home for sexual assault.
Therefore should all ALTs be kicked out of Japan?