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JF Ossan
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09-08-2010, 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
If you do, be sure to tell everyone about the results afterward so they can laugh at you.

Pocari raises the speed of absorption and can slow the processing of alcohol. Drinking Pocari tends to make you hold onto the alcohol longer (longer hangover), and any remaining in your stomach will be quickly absorbed making things worse. It`s goal is to make you more hydrated, and will push you to hold onto stuff you probably want out after a long drinking session.

I imagine it is fine if you no longer have any alcohol in your system - but by that point, you`re probably not going to need to reduce a hangover.
I am not a doctor, but the hangover is the pain you feel after the numbing effects of the alcohol have worn off. Meaning the alcohol is out of your system (usually after a night's sleep).

But you are right, I would not drink it as a hangover prevention medicine, as you might wake up with alcohol still in your system.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
By the way - for children, avoid Aquarius at all costs. Aquarius is an artificially sweetened drink. It contains sweetener chemicals that are not safe for children (and probably not adults, really, which is why I will not drink it).

ETA; Pocari is supposedly a good way to "refresh" an alcohol "buzz" though. It`s the number one worst thing you can drink though if you`ve had too much to drink, even if that was hours ago. This is a big reason why you will see people offering *water* but never anything like Pocari.
That's interesting, as I always felt that Pocari tasted sweeter than Aquarius.

Any thoughts on Citric Amino that the young handsome golfer endorses? It doesn't taste as good as Pocari, but supposedly is better in terms of rehydration.

Originally Posted by dirtyroboto View Post
Also you should see the case of the kids who drunk so much "sunny d" they turned yellow.
BBC News | WALES | Soft drink turned toddler 'yellow'
Just to be clear, Sunny D is not a sports drink, or even a Juice, but an orange colored soft drink.

Last edited by MMM : 09-08-2010 at 05:54 PM.
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