Originally Posted by MMM
It is sad that an nut like this, with a congregation of 50 followers (and he lost 30 after his announcement of his plans) can get the world's attention like this. He is taking the attention by the media like a pop star without realizing he mat be on the front lines of a religious war he is single-handedly starting.
He is a nutjob who I hope will see the light before 9/11 and cancel his event, which will surely have more media cameras than supporters.
With such a small congregation. I dont know why this is newsworthy.
I think the media are being somewhat irresponsible.
General Patreaus has already stated that this event will endanger his troops. I will say that coverage of this event is the problem. Not the event itself.
Im not saying that the news should censor itself in the interests of national security. But this kind of story belongs in a local newspaper with city or town officials commenting on it. Not something that world news networks run, inviting worldwide attention.