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JF Ossan
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09-08-2010, 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
I'm sure that is how the catholic church thought about people like Martin Luther, and now we have the protestant church and all the branches that come from it. its like a rock slide, it only takes one small pebble to start it. It is quite possible that though we see him as a nutjob, others may see him as a man who they should follow. With the loss of his 30, he may gain hundreds, and that may lead to thousands and quite possibly millions, but then thats on pure slight possibility and speculation. I hope it doesn't happen, but from what I'm seeing, it seems like it could happen.

What I was saying about the government issue is that its getting to where religion is strongly influencing Federal decisions, not that he is trying to control it.
I don't see religion having any more influence on the American government today than it did 10, 20, 30 years ago, or even from the foundations of America's birth.