Originally Posted by steamboatsam
Since when, before Obama, did the American populas ever question a President's religion? Granted that it was probably a ploy by the republicans to try to give Obama a bad start as president, but why did choose relgion? Religion should not influence the government, instead the government should influence how the religion is practiced. Was that not the reason America was first established for, to give a person the right to practice a religion as long as it abided by the law? Now days, christians are putting stress on the government to stop the center in New York City, muslims citizens are said to not be as strictly enforced by the law because of their possible connection to people in the middle east. It might not seem like to you that nothing has changed, but it does to me.
The religious practices of the US president is always under scrutiny. You are right, Obama, a practicing Christian, has been labeled a Muslim so many times by right wing extremists so often that 40% of Americans actually think he is a Muslim. That being the case, he still got elected.
Religion should influence the government as much as the government should influence religion.
People are trying to influence the government to not open the Islamic Cultural Center in Manhattan. How much influence did they have? The City Council of New York voted unanimously to allow to happen. The mayor of New York declared it should be built.
I would like to hear more about how Muslims are not being held to laws as strictly.