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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
09-08-2010, 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by bearclaw View Post
You know that Fox is known for making news without actually checking for facts?
That's an interesting point you made. How did you come to this conclusion, exactly. Do you know first-hand or did an "honest" source reveal it to you.

It's a shame, the way I see it, most, if not all, mainstream news sources are politically biased, selective in their sharing of information, and prone to making assumptions without thorough investigation. FOX and CNN are no exception, regardless of what is believed their varying degree of guilt may be -- though the respective sides would generally disagree, respectively. However, it's absurd to claim that all stories presented from either program are false for this reason. Information is information, and it usually doesn't come completely refined when conveyed through another party. Personal methods should be taken to determine the quality of information. To immediately label any body of information as particularly poor from a source similar to others solely because of the name that represents it... doesn't seem wise. But that's my opinion.

I won't continue. I've digressed enough.

Last edited by Jaydelart : 09-08-2010 at 10:25 PM.