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(#35 (permalink))
bearclaw (Offline)
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09-08-2010, 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
Does that not mean a person can't check to see if its real?
I understand that FOX has a bad reputation for that(hench why I said it might not be reliable), but then again how can you tell that other major news groups do the same thing? Do you check every single news reports from CNN just to make sure that they are 100% real?
Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
That's an interesting point you made. How did you come to this conclusion, exactly. Do you know first-hand or did an "honest" source reveal it to you.
I took the liberty to shorten the quotes so I didn't spam too much.
My statement was a reply to steamboat as he defended Fox News by refering to CNN and other news groups hence I did not mean that every single news Fox makes is without checking for facts, with that said if you find out that they have made some news that hasn't been checked would it be wise to continue watching Fox News? even if one didn't know that but knows that they are stretching it and/or opinions are heavily biased why would you continue watch it?

If I get the time I'll try surf the net for you and dig it up but I remember one that should be in youtube which I found a little funny as lot of gamers rage over it... their news covering over mass effect game which they ended up retracting.

end fire