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09-08-2010, 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I am not a doctor, but the hangover is the pain you feel after the numbing effects of the alcohol have worn off. Meaning the alcohol is out of your system (usually after a night's sleep).

But you are right, I would not drink it as a hangover prevention medicine, as you might wake up with alcohol still in your system.
Ethanol becomes ethanal in your body - the ethanal is what makes you feel like crap. Pocari makes it harder for your body to get rid of the ethanal as it tends to be distributed throughout the body more quickly. Water isn`t absorbed as quickly so while it doesn`t hydrate you as efficiently it washes the ethanal out of your system.

So basically the alcohol is still in your system. It`s just been changed into a form that makes you feel horrible and that you want to get rid of ASAP. Pocari isn`t a good choice for getting rid of anything.

That's interesting, as I always felt that Pocari tasted sweeter than Aquarius.
Aquarius has changed their formula about 10 times in the past 5 years. Almost every time I look it`s different...

Any thoughts on Citric Amino that the young handsome golfer endorses? It doesn't taste as good as Pocari, but supposedly is better in terms of rehydration.
I will be honest and say I don`t really know. I haven`t tried it and probably won`t as it`s expensive. I just find it a bit fascinating how incredibly hard it was for Pocari to make it on to the market because it tasted too medical and unpleasant (how it was described at the time in scathing customer reviews) but is now considered the sweeter one and other far more "medical" and bitter ones are fairly popular.

Just to be clear, Sunny D is not a sports drink, or even a Juice, but an orange colored soft drink.
Actually, from reading the article it appears that the child turned orange because of a natural component of it... Sort of the same reason you get people stained orange from eating too many みかん in the winter in Japan.

Off topic, but I could never drink Sunny D when I was little because for some reason it gave me incredible circles under my eyes. Drink some and then an hour or so later it would look as if I had huge bruises under my eyes. A bit of a mystery.

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